Thursday, July 17, 2008


The shower was last Saturday, and I can't believe I haven't written about it yet. It was fantastic...great weather, low key, everyone having fun and wonderful gifts.

We decided to have a book shower, because there is a really big bookcase in your room Baby Bear, and the bottom shelf was the only one that was full, and it held Mama Bear's 50+ books on childbirth and pregnancy. I know you are going to be a scholar, but I just can't imagine that you really want to start out life reading "Stories of Natural Childbirth" or "Essays on a Natural Birth" or some of the other titles on that shelf. So we outfitted a few more shelves with gifts last Saturday.

And you know what buddy? We have some amazing friends, because they all put SO much thought into these books. One gift even included books through the ages, so you'll be reading these gifts until your early teen years! Amazing! I was really touched by the thought folks put into their gifts, and can't wait to read them with you. I can actually wait though, so don't come before Monday....Grandma Bear won't be here until some time Sunday, and Mama Bear and I are going to see Neil Diamond Sunday, so stay put until at least then, okay?

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